What do Millennial Dog Lovers have to do with my practice success?

dog lovers and my success


Have you noticed the extremes that Millennials go to with their four legged friends?  They have transcended pet status and now enjoy being full fledged members of the family. Many businesses have even gotten involved, and have taken qu from places like Home Depot and Lowes by adopting a  pet friendly mantra.   Approximately 20% of all US businesses have a dog friendly policy according to The Bark and bring your dog to work day on June 22 is a real entity and eagerly looked forward to all year long.  When it comes to what they eat, it’s only the best for fido. Nobody feeds their dogs ‘regular’ dog chow…its premium or it’s nothing.

So, what does all this have to do with your success? Well, if you think Millennials are treating their pups extra-special, you should see how they treat their children!

Does this look familiar to you?

As DCs its not your fault that you don’t see kids.  The majority of DCs were specifically trained to only see adults.  Want proof?  How many kids did you see in your student clinic days. Yet, oddly enough, DCs are the only doctors on the planet who insist on not seeing kids! I should know, I didn’t see kids for years.  I started out in a white clinic jacket, with a stethoscope on and practiced the tired, worn out model of adult pain relief, nothing more.

There is only two days until my webinar Pediatric Chiropractic: the missing link in your quest for success!

Tune in and find out how learning how to welcome kids in your practice will result in thousands of dollars of income each month and the satisfaction of helping kids on a daily basis. Once you find out how simple it is, even if you’ve never see a kid in your life, you will agree that this has indeed been the missing link in your quest for success. You’ll find yourself asking what took you so long to come to your sense!

There will be lots of prizes including free ebooks, admission to upcoming seminars, a 30-minute video conference with Dr. Kevin about your individual practice challenges and more! You REALLY do not want to miss out!


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