Mr. Miyagi Seminar
This is a once in a lifetime seminar, learning the tricks of the trade from Dr. Kevin Pallis, “Mr. Miyagi” himself. If you’re serious about growing your practice, call HQ quick, because this seminar will be sold out before August.
Can you palpate a spine, skull, ankle, etc. without the use of your vision? Will you be able to determine if it is on a male or female? How about their age? Can you know if a person is athletic, what types of injuries they’d sustained, the overall energy of that person simply through the palpation of a bone? These are all types of things that are available to you if you choose to tune them in. You will learn how to intuitively adjust rather than the analytical, ineffective way you have been previously taught.
This will be a hands-on, experiential seminar with some classroom and a full-participation requirement. There will be much emphasis about getting into the zone with each and every practice member. Clothing should be comfortable and casual. You will be mentally exhausted by the close of this seminar; the focus will be near frenetic levels. Adjusting doesn’t get better by doing it, like how playing golf will not help your game. This is practice time to enter a different dimension of results, income, and purpose for your practice. This seminar will be a whirlwind of activity.
May 18 & 19, 2018
November 2 & 3, 2018