TNR Happenings August 16th

TNR Happenings

heart rate

Your Weekly TNR Pulse

It’s Atlanta, TNR and MM this weekend!

We seem to have a mysterious influx of golfers attending this seminar. Would this have anything to do with the hotel being on a golf course? Last minute guests are welcome! One of the great things about presenting seminars is they constantly evolve to give attendees a mixture of instant “able to implement TNR concepts” as well as a glimpse of what their office could really look like. We are showcasing a millennial worldview and how to be relevant to people who want to be only virtually relevant. All of us have an untapped potential that lies deep within us. Tap into that potential and the results are stunning. While the vehicles constantly change for having a successful practice, the principles don’t.

MasterMind will be an intimate journey into the subconscious blockages holding you back from mid-to-high six figure income. As regular attendees well know, this will not be restricted to a list of activities, but rather the invisible forces that don’t allow you to get and stay in the big leagues. Of course there will be specific steps to take, but everyone knows they should stop being overweight, stop taking drugs, stop the excess use of alcohol, and yet they are powerless to do so. Having the ability to overcome these obstacles gives you the keys to the proverbial kingdom not restricted to finances only…relationships, parenting, world view, etc. It’s not uncommon to have DCs increase their income $100,000 during the following 6 months after attending MasterMind.

Miyagi – September 16th & 17th!

The mystique continues. How can one DC get results when a practice member has seen 1, 3, or even 10 other DCs or MDs with no results? This can’t be explained by talent only, adjustment technique and billing software. It’s the nonlinear intent of the doctor, the movie that’s running inside their heads. Have they been trained to see the person’s disease or their essence, their birthright to be healthy? Do they have an all-in belief in innate intelligence or the watered down version of adult back and neck sprains? Are they still bogged down by the limiting analytical wild goose chase of finding the magical technique? A case in point, we have a doctor who isn’t even a DC and is hitting it out of the park.. just ask her about her clinical results! Don’t be misled by complacent and non-urgent DCs who loudly proclaim they get as good of results as anybody… THEY DON’T!

Practice Tip of the week

Change your outlook on your training and instantly change your life. When you see someone who has mastery in a certain area, it’s only human to attribute this acquired skill to genetics, it comes so easy to them, they have natural talent. The reality of it is they trained their rear ends off to get this talent. Like the U2 song, One, proclaims (talking about love) “leaves you baby if you don’t care for it”, no matter how hard or long we train, the aim and purpose of training is not to be done with it but to immerse ourselves so completely that our training and lives become one. Excellence, if we achieve it, is a welcome by product of complete immersion in the process. When we’re a slave to the rock we’re rolling up a hill with no end in sight, the journey seems pointless; up and down, there and back, always crossing the tedium of hours, lifting and carrying, checking off our many lists and always creating new to do lists.

It’s no wonder why the highest achievers and those that have the most fun train the most. You always see them at TNR events, usually in the front row. No matter the topic or the concept, they make it relevant in their lives.

Remember that all of the TNR procedures are designed to help guide your practice members to have more understanding of their problems and the chronicity of their damaged nerve systems. When a patient is unwilling to perform the procedures, do you want to be involved with something doomed from the beginning? Just because a practice member says no to your recommendations, don’t cave. The patients who put skin in the game get the best results. Some patients will do what it takes and others will offer excuses and stories. Don’t water down the training, the funny thing about health, it’s worth it!

The Review from The Warden

It’s nice to get rave reviews about our group. Ron Jackson, the warden, couldn’t stop talking about our group and how we cared for the inmates. “As long as I’m the warden, you are always welcome back” were his exact words. He even wants to know when the next concert will be. The inmates also really appreciated our group taking the time to show them kindness with adjustments, naturopathic care and the books that were gifted to each one. Ron told me a story about the 5 inmates that were constantly helping us with our Fun Days. They did so much of the heavy lifting throughout the 3 days. They received t-shirts and got adjusted as often as possible. Ron Jackson has a trial program which allows work release prisoners to stay out for special purposes, such as sweat lodges and other tribal traditions, which are part of the program. Upon return to the jail, one guard mentioned that a couple of them looked like they were ‘high’. With a heavy heart and knowing that positive testing would put an end to the program, they were tested. They all came back completely clean. Two of them even had on our lime green, limited edition, Fun Day t-shirts. Sometimes even we underestimate what a group of like minded DCs can do. Make sure you are a part of our next trip to the reservation in December!