Gaby- By Dr. Deb Bobbitt, DC

My grandniece Gaby fell from a horse on October 23, 2011. She was found unconscious by her grandmother who thought she looked like "an organ donor".

She was medevac'd to Children's Hospital where she remained in a coma for 9 days. She began to come out of the coma and followed the stages of a head trauma victim.

I had just been to the Revitalization seminar on Saturday November 5th. , being in that room with so many powerful DC's, after hearing Terry Rondberg and Jeannie Ohm speak, (not to mention Dr. Kevin Pallis and Dr. Ed Plentz!!) I felt there was no coincidence hearing the message of the weekend. I had already changed my return flight to go see Gaby, now knowing it was no mistake. Thankfully, I have such a great team at West End Chiropractic that I could be there for Gaby.

When I arrived on November 6th, driving to the hospital with Grandma, (who happens to be a Doctor of Physical Therapy and requested me to be there), discussing her case, I was handed the helmet Gaby was wearing to inspect the damage to the helmet. Visually, there were multiple holes in the helmet where it hit the ground, but what was more shocking was the heat that was still emanating from the area of impact. My gut was wrenching just wondering what I would encounter when I got to the hospital. Gaby was in the agitation phase and was flailing about and talking gibberish, saying things like "God loves everyone", and counting, not necessarily in sequence. With the Mother's and Grandmother's permission, ruling out any fractures, I went to work.

Mechanism of injury was a blow to the left side of the occipital region. Gaby sustained brain trauma to the right frontal lobe of the brain. Visual inspection revealed severe left head tilt, left eye closed; left arm extremely limited usage as well as right leg limitations. Once I saw that head tilt, I knew that atlas was the culprit. Very gently, with many eyes watching me, I returned atlas home. While I was doing my analysis, I was praying that God would give me the wisdom and the skill to return life to this beautiful child. There was NEVER a doubt in my mind that this adjustment would change this child's future. Talk about CERTAINTY!! I was so sure, no wavering, not even a second. When the atlas was "set", it was visibly clear to everyone watching that Gaby's reset button was just engaged.

Later in the day, she became more restful, and had a more peaceful night's sleep. The next day, November 7th, "Gaby was back". She was coherent, was able to write her name, speak and even begin to start lifting herself up.

I visited Gaby for 5 days. I would ask her while palpating her atlas, "Can I Fix this?" and she would say "YES" every time. Children really "get" intention.

Now, being in the hospital setting for me is like fingernails on the chalkboard. As I walked the halls of this "Institution", I knew that this truly is the predicament of the species as Dr. Joe Flesia spoke of. I just wanted to get my hands on every child in that place. The sad part of the story is that I could not, and that rehab team will never really know the "TRUTH" of what happened. I can only envision that place like Dr. Ed and I spoke of...a place of Wellness not sickness.

Gaby kept making exponential progress. The rehab team could not believe her progress. In fact, they stated that they could not make a care plan for her, because she already would exceed their expectations. The day I left, she walked to the bathroom by herself. Gaby came home last Friday (November 18th) to the joys of her family.

Gaby was surrounded by family and friends and the power of prayer and love. They never gave up hope. I can only thank the family for allowing me to be there in such a special way. It has been "the" most powerful adjustment I have ever been witness to. It was truly the power of Perfection.

Dr. Deb Bobbitt