IOM Update

Just the other day we got an email from Dr. Terry Rondberg that said excitedly, “Be on a conference call with me at 3:00pm EST for some exciting news.” Terry started in on the call with the energy of a person who just drank three Grande Cappuccino’s with a side shot of Mountain Dew. If you don’t get what I mean, I think he blew our ear drums out because he was so excited. He went on to say, “You have to see the final website for I.O.M. (Integrative Outcome Measurements).” This is the vehicle that measures the levels of Physical, Mental and Social Wellbeing of individuals, the same vehicle we use in our practice and that we will be using extensively with our world project, Love Has No Color.  Terry went on to say that the webpage is so user friendly, easy to navigate and that we need to get the info out to our TNR members right away.

As Dr. Pallis and I listened, I was thinking, “You bet we have to get this information out to our members because my office has attracted many new patients with the old website!” As we were on the call, I was navigating through the website (shhhh don’t tell Dr. Kevin, he hates that crap while you’re on a call with him haha) with the greatest of ease. I really got excited. The videos, the tutoring and the different ideas on how to build your practice with this tool are amazing.

Listen to this idea: you take a full page ad out in your local paper stating that anyone in your community can log on to and take a free wellness survey and get a free report in the process. The person goes on the webpage under your code and fills out the report. They will immediately receive their health index score, or number, but not the full report. They will be informed if they would like to pick up their report they can do so at your office. Your office gets notification that the person filled out the survey, so you can have your office contact them and set up a free appointment to review the results.  This way, the patient will have a full understanding of what the report means and what they can do to increase their wellness score. This is where you come in, doctor. Picture this: the perspective patient enters your office and is greeted by your wonderful staff and then ushered back to the consultation room to review their results. The patient sees the quality of your office and they get to meet you, the doctor, personally. You go over everything in detail and then give them the opportunity to become a new patient and experience Chiropractic, as it will be the main tool to help enhance that wellness score. It’s obvious what is going to happen…the perspective patient will sign up right on the spot and you will be off to the races with another Chiropractic wellness warrior in the community. This is just one of many great ideas of how you can use IOM as a great practice building tool, as well as a clinical tool to gather more objective data about an individual’s health.

In The New Renaissance, we actually built the IOM analysis right into our new patient procedure. We have found that not only does the new patient go home and fill out the survey, but they also have their family members fill out the survey and then they all compare their health index numbers or scores. Well what do you think the next step is? You got it; they are in your office as new patients to get that wellness score up to where it should be.

Dr.Pallis and I are so excited to share all of this with our members. You may have checked out the webpage in the past, and if you have, you need to go to the new website and see just how easy it is now (shoot even Dr. Kevin could do it – maybe). We are so sure you will be pleased that if you sign up with IOM and you are not completely satisfied after your first 30 days we will refund your money. It’s only $97.00 per month- that’s nothing to have a tool to keep active patients engaged in their health care regime and it definitely is a drop in a bucket to have a new patient tool like this at your finger tips…to build your practice with high quality, wellness orientated patients.

So what do you do now???

Go to and check out the website: (*NOTE: As of 2024, this article is no longer accessible.)

Contact IOM at 1.877.458.1316 and talk to Gregg. He is in charge of IOM and our TNR clients…he will get you signed up and give you your own clinic IOM number to start promoting your office on the wellness side of things.

Remember, if you are not completely satisfied after the first 30 days, just contact us and we will refund your first month’s fee back to you, no questions asked.

So there is no risk on your part just take the time to check out the site and then get IOM up and going in your office.

Oh, one last thing: keep your eyes peeled for further emails with other ideas on how to make IOM a part of building your practice with high quality, wellness minded individuals.

Make the call today- call Gregg at 1.877.458.1316.

Have a wonderful day!

Dr. Ed (and Dr. Kevin)]]>