It's seminar week!

Us with BJ @ New Beginnings
Holy smokes- how did it get to be November already?? I feel like it was the 4th of July about 2 weeks ago. Well, no more swimsuits for the Northeast, but we’re still out there changing the lives of DC’s everywhere. Dr. Ed and I just got back from a successful Love Has No Color Fundraising Party in Rockford, IL and then we shot straight to New Jersey for New Beginnings Philosophy weekend. We saw a lot of old friends, and made great new ones!
And now we have our largest seminar to date, being held THIS SATURDAY in Detroit. Will we see you there? We’ve made it 100% free so that we can attract the most DC’s who share our beliefs. No excuses this time, people…it’s free. If you’re passionate about seeing children and having a large, subluxation-based practice…get to Detroit.
Details here:
Alright, into lock-down mode I go. See you this weekend in Detroit- call the girls (Christy or Melissa) with any questions.
Dr. Kevin