Just a back and neck doctor?

The great debate of who is essential and who is not. The more vitalistic you are, the answer is very clear. The less vitalistic you are, the answer is unfortunately also very clear.

 Whenever people are in any sort of trouble, the thing that’s most important to them is receiving help from someone who really wants to help them.

How many times did you hear from practice members, “I’m so glad you’re open”, or "My Chiropractor is not open and you are. Why is that?"

Regardless of how long this mass hysteria plays out, society has spoken and is demanding answers to not only the current crisis but beyond it.

As Chiropractors, we are in service to our people, communities, and beyond.

As a Chiropractor, are you interested in answering those needs or are you content to just be a back and neck doctor?

You’ll be surprised at the reception that is waiting for you when you answer the call to be a more vitalistic type of Chiropractor. It’s not that you won’t see back and neck pain, it’s your focus will have changed from musculoskeletal to neuromusculoskeletal. If you render expert care for kids and adults, take on difficult cases, and offer wellness to keep your practice members healthy, you are going to be in demand!

If you want to experience a ‘Renaissance’ or re-birth in your office, consider upgrading your model of practice to answer the call of today’s concerned parents.

The greatest joy and satisfaction I receive is from guiding Chiropractors to see the difference this upgrading makes in all areas of their lives: office, marriage, parenting, and beyond.  

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