“I’m Lost and Nobody Knows It”

I’m a mother of two adorable, wonderful kids and I have a great husband. The problem that I am facing is that I have extreme anxiety about my office. I dutifully show up to work every day, but I don’t know what I’m doing. Every Sunday night, I can’t sleep. I’m short with my kids and crabby to my husband for no reason at all. The people that are coming into my office seem to like me well enough, I guess, but they tell me what to do, come in when they want to and pay reduced fees.
I can’t just stop being a mother or wife, but I am lost about my office and economically it is draining our family resources. I graduated near the top of my class, but Chiropractic College never taught me how to have a successful practice. I spend most of my days doing insurance paperwork, calling to verify coverage and micromanaging my CA. There just doesn’t seem to be a way out of this black hole.
We receive this message often at TNR. We correspond with great DCs who have fallen off course. It is a defining moment when a DC recognizes that their practice and relationships are in jeopardy. They realize they must decide whether to endure the consequences of a hobby style practice OR accept some help to take them from where they are, to where they want to be.
Every one of us gets lost and off track at various stages of our careers. Things like having kids, relationship changes, or moving from being an associate to owning your own practice, all have different impacts on different people. Attempting to solve it on your own or with the help of the internet is a recipe for disaster.
It sometimes feels like every other DC is successful, except for you.
From a young age, we understood the importance of the teacher-student dynamic. We accepted that we needed someone to teach us concepts that we would use later in life. However, as adults, we ditch this concept and choose to struggle as we attempt to figure it out on our own. Doing so doesn't usually produce positive results.
Exercising with a personal trainer guarantees higher results than if you try to do it on your own. The personal trainer has the knowledge and the drive to push and steer the out-of-shape person in the successful direction.
DCs who can be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from the training it took to become a DC, would rather suffer the consequences than ask for help and join a tribe. It just doesn’t make any sense.
The funny thing about the problems, anxiety and all that goes along with it is that they start to evaporate once you decide to join someone who has a shared interest in your success. Going at it on your own in isolation is the outdated, stubborn way of not achieving results.
Think of all the tutors most of us have had along our academic journey.
Most DCs believe it’s a lack of information or knowledge that’s holding them back. The truth is that you need someone in your corner to hold you accountable for something you just aren’t going to do yourself.
There’s no need for anxiety in your life and practice unless you want it!
CLICK HERE to fill out the Practice Profile. When you do, you will begin to see how TNR could help with your anxiety.