TNR Happenings August 10, 2020

tnr Happenings aug 10

Boot Camp was a huge success!

The small, but mighty, Love Has No Color volunteers arrived on the Fort Peck Reservation last Wednesday. Our group: Dr. Kevin, Tess Knight, Dr. Lizzie Snow, Dr. Aaron Londos, Dr. Tyler Torkelson, Dr. Adam Black, Dr. Teri Dunton, Dr. Teri's husband, Gary, three of Dr. Teri's kids, Liam, Millie, and Maeve, and two of their friends, Rosa and Austin. We packed and distributed high-quality, non-perishable food to 400 households which included elders and at-risk families and kids. So many memories were made and smiles were abundant. The Reservation is having a difficult time coping with what's going on right now, but the residents were THRILLED to receive the much-needed food. The Chiropractic Clinic has received some upgrades and has never looked better. Dr. Tyler is now in possession of the #001 Love Has No Color kids' fire engine adjusting table and will put it to good work until the next Chiropractor takes the reins on the Reservation. Some lucky members got to visit with Dr. Megan not once, but twice, and also got to meet the doctors and staff of the office she is working in. We got to visit with Kenny briefly and he had some heart-warming words for our group and all the donors. He talked about how what we do really does make a difference, especially since it seems so hopeless and desperate at times on the Reservation. The Virginia group is a hardcore group: they drove once again from VIRGINIA to the Reservation. Yes, Liam is only 12, and Millie and Rosa are not sisters. We removed graffiti from the Tribal Council sign which was an added touch. The last bit of food was handed out to semi-homeless people and they were so very grateful. They shook each of our hands, looked us in the eyes, and said thank you, and they meant it. It was very touching. Thanks go out to all of our members for the incredible donations we received to make all of this possible. We don’t have tons of pictures but we will be sharing them with all members so you can share them with your practice members.

The September 12th Super Academy is postponed

Oh, say it ain't so! Due to the recent flight restrictions, including 2 weeks quarantine, we are not able to offer Super Academy and have members pay such a cost. Closing down your office for 2 weeks or not complying and facing a $500 a day fine, license threats, being targeted, etc. is an unnecessary risk. I am in your corner to build your practice, not plunge it in the toilet. I do want to speak to each member about training during this period of mass hysteria. If your state is not one of the 2 week mandated self-quarantine states, order a Head-to-Head while you still can. Even if it is, there are still exemptions and I will discuss this in private with all interested members. Now, more than ever, it’s so important to keep increasing your resonation and moving forward instead of being caught in all the paralyzing belief in disease, limitation, and lack. You might say that flying the TNR colors has never been more important for not just your practice but for the world!


Practice tip of the week

Don’t abuse your privilege or freedom to assemble for a Health Awareness Seminar. It was paid for by the sweat, money, and imprisonment of Chiropractors who paved the way. It’s one, if not the only, freedom a Chiropractor has that has not been suspended or interfered with. Remember, it's not an accident that 99% of Chiropractors refuse to have one.  If you don’t think people will come to your HAS, you are wrong. Now, more than ever, parents are desperate for a new, unbiased source of HEALTH, not the disease and fear-mongering seen on TV and the internet. Don’t let your voice be silenced. If you used to have a HAS, get back to it. Make it extra special. If you’ve never done one, get to it. There are two fears usually preventing Chiropractors from doing it: fear of getting people there (rejection) and fear of public speaking. Of the two, the former is the most difficult today because of digital and virtual invasion and the amount of personal power it takes to influence people today. A good reason for a Head-to-Head is to learn how to have a great HAS. I will go over the soup to nuts of getting people there with guests and the actual presentation, along with customized concepts designed just for you.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Only a change in consciousness gets the job done. Every few years a group or concept rears its head and the same ole, same ole happens. There is some initial interest, followed by a period of cooling off, and then it doesn’t even make the news or thousands of web sites. It dies of irrelevance. People just can’t hold their attention to something that doesn’t affect them directly. The reasons vary: self-importance, self-absorption, arrogance, what’s in it for me, I know what I need, too much effort, why bother, not my problem, who cares, do you have a video I can watch when I have the time? One of the most difficult concepts to describe, teach, and experience is the ascent in resonation. You can read Dr. David Hawkins'book and you will get an academic overview of what the concept is. but it is only a glimpse of reflection, not the real deal. Dr. David Hawkins explains that adults only increase their resonation 5 points in their lifetimes. How can this be? One way of looking at this is the famous mall diagram, you are here. If someone moved your X so you think you are somewhere you are not, then it becomes really hard to do anything because your positioning is off in life. Time will reveal all of your decisions made from this positioning as faulty and harmful to future generations and solutions, as solutions to real problems will never be reached. Not going into the ocean to swim or fish is not a solution to be shark-proof; neither is sleeping with a mask and thinking you will keep the boogeyman away. (A veiled reference, couldn’t resist the pun.)

Being around high resonating people receiving TNR training helps your resonation. The concepts like the Sweet Spot, Above the Line, etc., seemed like such gibberish when you first landed on planet TNR. Reading and contemplating high resonating, non-social media popular ideas is key. Not reading consensus material or watching the news and not judging or having opinions on everything helps as well. One of the most hidden traps we fall into is mistaking academics for resonation. Think of your college professors here and you will see what I mean. In our low-resonating world, scientists, college professors, and computer people are considered top of the food chain and they are not even close. What college professor would you fly to with a terminal illness and put your life in their hands? Like a computer, they can only do what they have known from the past. Solutions are not in the past, they lie outside the purview of the past. Just like the mall diagram, you can’t get there from here.

Like the crabs in a box metaphor, when you introduce a concept or speak at your HAS, you will be met by RESISTANCE by all the unpaid low-resonating spokespeople. This will keep any meaningful change from happening. The whole world tells you what you can’t do. There are those who will discourage you or make it their mission to prove you wrong, even when it comes to helping people. Examples that come to mind are Board complaints from other health care providers instead of practice members. When I was on the Reservation I saw that the sign leading to the administration building had been tagged by graffiti. It has been that way for years. I thought it would be nice for our group to remove the mess. Then it hit me: it's 7:30 a.m., there is nobody around, we have no tools or graffiti remover, and we may damage the sign further.

My mind started to put a crazy plan into action. Thousands upon thousands of people have seen that sign over the years and never thought to do anything about it. I rounded up some of the pirates of TNR who happened to be rosy-cheeked younger members who looked like they might have had some previous experience with the paint can and we sprung into action. I spied a partially hidden garage that was working on city vehicles. I entered the garage as 5 workers were having breakfast. I explained what I was looking for and they provided 2 large cans of Remove All graffiti remover. It turned out that we have a few ‘Picasso’ members and they artfully removed the mess, careful not to damage the already aged and damaged sign. A policeman happened upon our group and choose to ride by instead of investigating why 4-5 adults would be defacing a sign in broad daylight. 

A question for you is: what would have happened if you asked a person on or off the Reservation to do the same task? Do you believe that just anyone could do this? Lots of people could muse to themselves, wouldn’t it be great to remove the graffiti, wouldn’t it be great to have world peace, wouldn't it be great to have world health? You will find most great ideas at the graveyard where they died a painful death because the idea was not executed and there were no successful plans of action, no plan B’s, and no fallback plans. The task is irrelevant; it’s the resonation that controls whether you will be successful or not. Starting up a practice or being a great spouse, parent, son, daughter is all a matter of resonation, awareness, and making it about other people instead of incessantly doing things that only benefit yourself. As long as the world continues to function in the low-resonating mode, the world’s problems only will worsen. Use your high resonation wisely and don’t get sucked into commenting or talking about what’s wrong with the world, etc. Just remove the graffiti (interference) from the sign and let it shine.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I noticed a DMCE of Miyagi on the Reservation and it appeared to me that he had considerably increased his IQ, awareness, and speech patterns. How can this be? 

Answer: Was it IQ or resonation? A baby may have a high resonation. Although babies can’t speak, they can still communicate what they like, when they need attention, etc. The baby does not go to school to teach its heart how to beat, have its liver function better, etc. A lot of DCME work is removing the layers of resistance and of unlearning all the previous damaging conditioning that gets foisted on a child growing up in a low-resonating society. 

Question 2: I recently took on a complicated case and from my perspective, there seems to be little or no clinical improvement. What gives?

Answer: Is the practice member complaining or is your ego offended? Yes, it’s true that all Chiropractors, even TNR Chiropractors, have batting averages and you may or may not have the required resonation, experience, and training yet to handle such a case. But how else will you get the experience? If the case is really out of your wheelhouse, consider having them fly to see one of the top guns of TNR and receive care from them. It’s been done many times before. We have a few offices that host out of state and even out of country people to help them regain their health.             


Dr. Kevin's new shirt from Dr. Lisa, Mellissa, Laura, and Josh

Thank you!!! I love it!!!

Kevin's new shirt