TNR Happenings February 3, 2020

happs feb

Dr. Adam had his Grand Opening in Burlington, VT

What a beautiful office and a beautiful location! Helping him make the occasion extra special were his parents, Dr. Tyler of Renegade Chiropractic in Missoula, Montana, Dr. Randi Jo Steiner (recently retired from the LHNC band Don’t Quit Your Day Job), her husband, Dr. Marc, and a private DCME case who came along with me. For the grand opening we did the same type of thing that we do on the Reservation to promote Fun Day/Boot Camp. The excitement, the new patient sign ups, and the laughs, the stories: they never get old. For those of you who have experienced the power of a TNR initiation, you know the goose bumps that you get. Dr. Adam will represent TNR with honor. Good luck Dr. Adam.

Head to Head season is underway!

An observation I’ve had: things in our lives that interfere or resist us are usually nothing more than an accumulation of little things that didn’t get taken care of when they came up. That’s deep! Going past threshold (concentric circles diagram) exposes us to going too long between Head-to-Heads. Most problems are preventable with constant and continual training. There is nothing like Head-to-Heads in all of Chiropractic. I find they have as much to do with your life outside the office as they do inside the office. This is one of the few places that honor your shadows rather than banishing them or pretending they don’t exist. They do exist and if not worked upon, they will cause lots of havoc invisibly in your life.

From the Mind of Miyagi


Since birth, you have been indoctrinated and welcomed into the world of the familiar and comfortable: war, disease, violence, racism, medicine, science, no safety belts on school busses, politics, religion, etc. You have been told stories from your first breath by your parents, teachers, relatives, and people of authority and these stories are subconsciously and invisibly embedded in your past history. This is the world according to the media and those who profit from controlling you. You thought you weren’t colonized: you don’t need a king or queen to be colonized. Many quantum people and people of high resonation actually go as far as to suggest that you are merely sleepwalking during your waking hours and playing these old MP3s.  

Being healthy is an odd occurrence in this world. We are trained since birth to pay particular attention to people who are sick. The whole disease model is aimed at profit and interest in sickness and precious little about health. After all, you can’t arrest a criminal until after they commit a crime. We’re always fighting against something, like the new virus, the new reason to wear those masks you see misguided people wearing in airports as they superstitiously knock on wood. You can’t be for health any more than you can be for peace.

While at Dr. Adam’s grand opening, I saw the same thing was happening there as is happening in your community. People blah, blah, and blahing about nothing in particular until they get exposed as knowing nothing except their previous programming. You get sick, you’re exposed. Your relationship is in trouble, you’re exposed. Your kid giving you fits, you get exposed as not knowing what you thought you knew about parenting. There was an adult female present with an obvious health challenge dealing with her brain, her speech and cognitive function. Not one guest realized! Polite pleasantries, smiles, and mountains upon mountains of self-importance and social acceptance. I saw the same thing with a relative of mine at my daughter’s wedding. Nobody noticed her and thought she was great even though she was surrendering her cognitive function. 

It’s difficult to be successful helping people with a concept that makes no sense to them (health) even though they jump up and down saying they will do anything…except commit fully. They’re always looking for someone else to do the heavy lifting. “Does insurance pay for it?” “ How many times per week?” “I want to lose the weight this week!” These are familiar cries of people that just don’t have the personal power to embrace and accept new beliefs contrary to their way of thinking. Don’t ever forget it is willingness, not understanding, that gets the job done. Only by looking back will there be an understanding, not the other way around. 


Love Has No Color news

Any members who would like to guest blog about their experiences with Love Has No Color are invited to do so. We have a weekly blog on our website and are on the lookout for DCs who have been to the Reservation and have stories to share.


30-day free trial coaching

We are getting lots of responses from members regarding spouses, business owners, at-risk people, etc. It may surprise you who this would appeal to. Like Love Has No Color, our group is mostly made up of doctors but we have had some pretty significant non-DC/ND superstars as well. Call Emily to get things rolling.


Practice tip of the week

Don’t offer level one recommendations to a difficult case. Actual case in point: A 33-year old man comes in to an office in a wheelchair, has an artificial heart, has had two spinal operations and two strokes, and is on oxygen. Do you really think a few months of care would be appropriate? Man up and stick with level two. Knowing what you do, would you ever forgive a doctor who was just attempting to make things a little easier for you? What if he saw no resolution in sight and was just giving up, doing a little amelioration (watching the grass grow and monitoring it) for a few bucks. We’re better than that. We know better even when many in our own profession don’t and can’t see anything wrong with this approach. (see the Mind of Miyagi article) 

DCME confidential


Question 1: My practice members just don’t get the connection between specialized DCME care for at-risk teens and young adults. Any suggestions?  

Answer: Stick to diseases at the beginning. It is a real stretch at the beginning for people to embrace that DCs are good for anything more than back and neck pain. At-risk teens and young adults just can’t make the connection.  

Question 2: I just quoted close to $20,000 for a DCME case. I’m being bothered by severe feelings of guilt because of the price. What should I do? 

Answer: You must get over this guilt fast. It’s your limitations and a shallow depth of belief in Chiropractic that are creating your emotions. If only you knew of the trillions that are afforded to people for medical care with the right kind of insurance! Why should you be embarrassed for helping people? It only seems a lot to people who won’t commit to the care. When it’s you or a loved one, you are desperately seeking a doctor who will give you their everything, rather than their professional compassion only. Since you are a once-in-a-lifetime DC, you are worth your hire!