Welcome Randi Jo

TNR welcomes Randi Jo to the office for the summer.  She is off to Life University in the fall, but while we have her we're putting her to work!  Make sure you call just to bug her, or to introduce yourself if you have never talked with her before.  It'll make her feel welcomed and part of the team!

She is going to be helping spread Love Has No Color like wildfire, as well as assisting Dr. Craig (LHNC DC on the Rez).  As a DC-to-be herself, she is also going to spend a lot of time getting to know new practitioners and helping them discover TNR.  Way to go Randi Jo!!

Boot Camp is right around the corner and logistics are being figured out/planned as this is being typed!  We have rented one charter bus (fun bus) to take attendees from the Billings Airport to Poplar, MT...that means no pulling the short straw and having to drive 5 hours, no cramping in vans or cars, and lots of FUN!  But- the bus only has room for about 50 people so let Christy know right away if you are coming.  We need your flight itineraries (arrival and departure, flight #, airline) and if you are not prepaid please take care of that with us to guarantee your seat.

Also on the docket, Dr. Ed will be speaking at The New Patient Maven, Dr. Brad Glowaki's Marketing Seminar in Chicago on June 1st!  We want to thank Dr. Brad for inviting us to this incredible event.  For more information, go here: www.newpatientmaven.com/Chicago. (*NOTE: As of 2024, this article is no longer accessible.)

Dr. Kevin's son is about to graduate from Princeton University, so he is gearing up to attend those festivities down in New Jersey next week.  Everybody coaching with Dr. Kevin- please keep an eye and an ear out for notice about changed or canceled coaching calls the week of June 4th...we will let you know.