If you don’t have wellness, then what do you have?

You have yet another practice member who completes their pain phase and for the hundredth time, what do you do? You let them leave, that’s what. If you were a personal trainer it would like having on your website, “I help people lose weight but not how to keep it off! When you need to lose weight again, give me a call!”
The pain relief model is outdated yet so many Chiropractors are chained to it. There are so many more benefits that your people are missing out on. Only seeing patients for pain relief is not sustainable. It’s regulated and burdened with administration, it offers nothing that remotely resembles wellness.
What if 30% of your people were coming in regularly for wellness? Think of the health levels they would have and the economics outside of insurance that you and the office would benefit from. It’s a win-win situation. You adjust your own spouse, kids, and family – why would you not professionally?
Today can be the day you start to upgrade your practice model to vitalistic care. Of course, it will include pain relief but it also goes way beyond that. You’ll start seeing patients for wellness care, difficult cases, and children.
If you think this is the time to start your journey, then you’re in luck! We are offering 30 days of FREE coaching. Click here to schedule a consultation to see if The New Renaissance is a good fit.
You can also learn more info about the 30 days of free coaching by clicking here or listening to our podcast on Spotify. Just search for The New Renaissance!