TNR Happenings April 6, 2020

TNR Happenings

Stay close to TNR

During these unprecedented, turbulent times, stay close to TNR. The Facebook live presentations, podcasts, TNR Happenings, and blogs all serve to cut through the noise and mass hysteria. They ground TNR warriors in the higher meaning and purpose of being a DC. TNR has always been a safe community of cooperation for its members, rather than letting them go it alone in isolation and looking on the internet for answers. Anyone can panic, run for cover, and comment on all that is going on around them. Courage is all about serving people to their highest good when it is difficult to do so. Even though we may be unrecognized for our usefulness, (see the article about flu pandemic in 1918), stay the course and don’t give in to social media and family shaming, etc. Don’t believe ignorant people parroting disease officials’ knowledge about something they don’t know anything about. Remember, it’s brand new. Or celebrities telling you what’s best for you. Remember, you may enjoy the character they portray or their music, but they don’t have the ability, credentials, or wisdom to comment on health matters that affect your practice and your family.

It’s Deja Voux all over again

Information posted online:

The 1918 Flu Epidemic & Chiropractic

The 1918 influenza pandemic has been labeled in history as one of the most devastating outbreaks in the history of the world with deaths estimated at between 20 and 40 million people. Over 675,000 American citizens lost their lives due to this awful epidemic. Why are we talking about this?

The 1918 flu crisis has been labeled in the Chiropractic profession as the reason for our success and proliferation as an occupation. Why? Because we were offering a solution to millions of people to naturally boost their immunity and allow their body to defend and heal itself from invading pathogens. Chiropractic adjustments are not just “popping bones” and it isn’t just about relieving pain.

The primary purpose of an adjustment is to remove any irritation or interference to the nerves, they are the information super-highway from the brain to the rest of the body.

When this information super-highway gets congested, the innate life flow that runs through the nerves, telling the brain and body what is going on inside, cannot flow efficiently which results in a number of symptoms and diseases. Chiropractors allow the body to function as it was designed to do and, in turn, the patient’s struck with the Flu were able to regain their health – without medicines/drugs.

In Davenport, Iowa, 50 medical doctors cared for 4,953 cases, with 274 deaths. In the same city, 150 chiropractors including students and faculty of the Palmer School of Chiropractic treated 1,635 cases with only one death.

In the same state, Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths – a loss of one patient out of every 15. In the same state, excluding Davenport, 4,735 patients were treated by chiropractors with a loss of only 6 cases – a loss of one patient out of every 789.

National figures show that 1,142 chiropractors treated 46,394 patients for influenza during 1918, with a loss of 54 patients – one out of every 859. The medical profession was seeing a majority of the worst of the worst; however, one of the greatest statistics backing chiropractic care comes from the state of Oklahoma. In addition to chiropractors treating 3,490 cases of influenza with only 7 deaths, chiropractors were called in to treat 233 cases where medical doctors had cared for the patients and pronounced them as “lost” or beyond hope. These Chiropractors took care of all 233 with only 25 deaths.

In the same epidemic, New York health authorities (who kept records of flu as a reportable disease) showed that under chiropractic care, only 25 patients died of influenza out of every 10,000 cases; and only 100 patients died of pneumonia out of every 10,000 cases.

Chiropractic’s journey into health care took a huge leap forward thanks to its incredible effect on the thousands of Americans during the flu crisis. What we need to gain from this is to understand the incredible and sometimes miraculous results of the chiropractic adjustment. When you receive an adjustment there is an increase in immune function, among many other positive benefits. (Journal of Neurophysiology, February 2007).

An adjustment often stimulates the immune system to better fight off any challenge, including influenza.

ReferencesRiley GW. Osteopathic success in the treatment of influenza and pneumonia. J Am Osteopathic Assn, 1919; 18:565.
Brennan PC, et al. Immunologic correlates of reduced spinal mobility. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Spinal Manipulation (FCER):118.
Brennan PC, et al. Enhance phagocytic cell respiratory burst induced by spinal manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1991;14:399.
Selano JL, et al. The effects of specific upper cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV positive patients. Chiropractic Research J 1994;3:32.
Todres-Masarsky M, Masarsky CS. The Somatovisceral Interface: Further Evidence. In Masarsky CS, Todres-Masarsky M (editors). Somatovisceral Aspects of Chiropractic: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2001, Churchill Livingstone, New York.

You may or may not have read this article. Belief systems are such that there is no morality to them. Show this article to a non-believer and they will say, “Oh, that was back then.” As with any programmed belief, they are not changing their mind. We have sees from the past that changing beliefs last hundreds of years, like with racism, treatment of minorities, etc. Also realize the all in-ness of these DCs who risked life and death to help others by being exposed to the flu, not to mention jail since some were unlicensed at the time. Their love and respect for ‘tic’ was more important to them. They belonged to a sisterhood and brotherhood that is all but extinct today. Of particular note, many regulatory agencies don’t believe this happened and don’t want this article shown to your current practice members. Hmmm

Nothing gets in the way of saving a life

Here are some excerpts from the mother of a DCME.

“In our case, it had been days without contact. None of the other professionals were ‘available’ since they were having their Christmas Break! Try reaching out to someone you think COULD help. A person that says addiction doesn’t take a vacation. A person that says, are you willing to drop everything to help your child? If it is an investment of time and money, there is no question.  Those things are being wasted anyway, by worry and destructive means. The day after Christmas, we got in the car. Dr. Kevin says, bring him to my office and I will handle the rest.” 

“As a person in training, he starts to make a new routine: physical exertion, chiropractic treatment and lots of mental and social development, a DCME video program. The first amazing thing was about willingness. Most teens are not excited about any loss of freedoms, rigid programs or being challenged about their behavior or choices. Both of us parents were amazed that X was willing to get ready and go, and participate with the doctor, every day without fail.”

“Academic interests are blowing us through the roof. This is new territory for us. So many ideological pursuits and questions, thinking about motivation and goals. Talking about the human condition, events like the holocaust. Talking about the civil rights movement and basic freedoms. Heroes of anti-slavery like Frederick Douglas and MLK Jr. Our first assignment watching Karate Kid (which I had never done) and now realize where the name MIYAGI comes from…all of which had powerful meaning, never before observed. Never mind all the fabulous classics and deep books, a level of reading that previously didn’t stand a chance.”

“Self-discipline instead of parental discipline was really coming along when electronics lost their hold. It had been a battle of wills and a battle of years. It was blasted out of the way. That moment was unforgettable and I wondered how on earth can this last? X has been brought into a group of mentor and forward-thinking people. People who have come together for a goal and worthwhile mission such as Love Has No Color, which X has already experienced during the past two summers. During this time there were at least 7 other doctors who have passed through, who have come to know him and are invested in his progress.” 

“Being both a best friend and worst enemy takes a lot of intentional building. How does Dr. K build trust and repair broken self-esteem? It is a mystery. Having a son who is alive and well (and smiling) is the complete opposite of the road we were on just 90 days ago. We are grateful for the referral and the possibility of HELP. We are grateful for the creativity and knowledge and compassion of Dr. Kevin, our MIYAGI. We are grateful that our teenager was willing to come along, put in the effort and give himself another chance. At the end of the day, that is the life worth living.”

Practice tip of the week

The hidden lesson of adversity

 If you’ve lived long enough you know adversity isn’t new: wars, nuclear fallout, genocide, racism, Tsunamis, World War 2 death camps, oppression, Cambodia mass slaughtering, losing a loved one, addiction, suicide, etc. It’s not the scale of the event or circumstance, it’s your emotional perception of it. Everyone goes through seen and unseen tragedies of epic proportion and yet there is still a hidden lesson to be learned. Sadly this lesson goes unlearned for the masses. For the discerning few, these hidden lessons can contribute an entirely new dimension to not only your life but all of mankind. 

 There are no guarantees in this lifetime. Before you lose perspective on the current mass hysteria, consider the fact that we have been through this before. The flu pandemic of 1918 is like déjà vu. (See article on the 1918 flu epidemic and Chiropractic) You have a big part in the solution, but it takes courage to put it in play. Information is not enough. Lots of DCs have read the article made popular by Dr. Dan Murphy. The information is impotent if it stays in your academic awareness or your analytical frontal lobes. “Oh, Dr. Kevin, that was back then. So much has changed.” Or has it? There was no medicine or vaccine available and yet people recovered under Chiropractic care. Every era looks back in time and judges the care that was utilized then as primitive. Like an athlete, you can’t be compared to generations gone by, only judged on your merits. It’s only when it burns in your DNA that it is of use to you. The Chiropractors of that era can’t match a modern-day DCs medical and disease knowledge but they possessed a warrior spirit that can’t be recreated in a video game or online. It was a spirit that was unparalleled. They walked the walk. It was a part of their gestalt, even without being recognized (had no license to practice) as having the ability to help life and death cases.

Do you know what true health is or do you still think it’s all about back and neck pain? The magnitude of a known potential illness is steeped against the unknown potential of a world that goes around with interferences to their potential (infinite) of being human. Time has not been kind to the majority of DCs. They are the butt end of jokes, like in the pejorative sitcom featuring a broke, neurotic DC sponging off his wealthy brother, and they certainly are not a real doctor or MD.

Diseases have gotten the headlines throughout our existence on this planet. Even though our focus and resources are aimed at fighting diseases, health is still available and is the natural state of human existence: regardless of what governments or media have conditioned people to think. Fighting against disease is a fear-based, force-induced way of living. Moving towards health is a natural state, a power, not a force. Laws are manmade devices aimed at helping people lead more productive, safe lives within the framework of a given society. But laws, however good for many things, can also be used to intimidate and force people to comply with things that seemed like a good idea at the time yet later were seen as not in the best interest of the people. These are the same forces that kept apartheid in South Africa, racism in this country, lack of woman’s rights, forced medical procedures with raising children, allowed Native American children to be removed from their houses and shipped to boarding schools, and the list goes on and on. At some time as a DC,  you have to ask yourself: Do you believe in a higher power or are manmade laws as far as your limited beliefs take you?

Most reading this are totally unfamiliar with the Green Books or have casually looked at them a bit. To read them is as useless as taking only one martial arts class or doing a couple of workouts and concluding it was a waste of time. Like all great things they take years to study and lots of discipline and introspection to unlock their meaning. The principles detailed within are a warrior’s code of honor. They are easy to read and quote but are hard to put into practice in all areas of your life. Some consider them quaint and whimsical, saying they are so outdated, etc. In times of adversity, these warriors armed with the principles of a higher calling will help those who don’t have them. They also describe a time where it was illegal to help people under the banner of Chiropractic. With the pandemic of 1918, there were 600,000 deaths in the US and 50 million worldwide. Look at the historical profile of apples to apples and yet the very profession who were on the front lines of the worst plague of the 19th century are letting the ‘big boys’ with their ‘big toys’ of science, dogma, and fear do the heavy lifting and run over people roughshod. DCs sitting on the bench instead of being on the front lines? How can this be?

How is it that some DCs reading this will be minimally effected and ultimately will grow when other DCs will be devastated to the point of no return. I’ve used the phrase: the degree of vulnerability. It’s the sense of purpose and conviction that DC either has or doesn’t have. It guides you in peacetime but is especially apparent in times of war. From my article, “Where did the Samurai go?”: Adversity allows the strong, principled to survive and the weaker, less committed to fade away. Adversity will expose your degree of vulnerability or your all in-ness. You will be surprised and disappointed during a period of adversity with your brother and sister’s degree of vulnerability. From the ashes, a new breed of DCs will emerge with a grateful nod to the past. Those who can be counted on in times of health and times of adversity.

From the Mind of Miyagi


Where have all the Samurai gone?

In the early 19th century the Samurai were outlawed politically in Japan. The swords, the uniform, the training, their code of honor, their fighting ways, even the way they wore their hair were outlawed. Even though many did as the government demanded and handed over their swords to be destroyed, some kept their swords and the mindset that goes along with it. The Samurai didn’t disappear, they simply went underground. We saw the Samurai emerge once again with the Kamakaze pilots of WW2. Talk about being all in! Like the Japanese, the Native Americans had a warrior class in their society. Hoka Hey was a saying among their warriors that roughly translates into, “It’s a great day to die.”

Adversity seems to expose DCs that are truly ‘all in’ and DCs that are merely along for the ride. You will be surprised, as well as disappointed, with brother and sister DCs and their all in-ness. You want the definition of ‘all in’, look at a Samurai. Sure, they could behead people and raise all kinds of mayhem. They also carried a small knife or sword and if they acted dishonorably, they would commit seppuku or hara-kiri by disemboweling themselves at their own hands. Adversity allows the strong and principled to survive and the weaker, less committed to fade away.   

All DCs seem to be ‘all in’ when things are going along just fine. You know, it’s sunny and 85 degrees, money is good, new patients are plentiful, and insurance paperwork only takes 50% of their efforts. Like a boat tethered to a dock on a sunny, windless day, you assume it will be okay even when the wind whips up waves and stormy conditions. This is similar to a marriage before it is exposed by infidelity, STD, domestic violence, an exit note on the kitchen table, etc.

It’s no time to surrender your sword. You went to college for 9 years to become a DC. You train in TNR at Head-to-Heads and high-level seminars, spending tens of thousands of dollars learning how to be a Samurai in a society that believes it to be extinct. You don’t need anybody’s permission to tell you that you’re essential. Like the Samurai, Chiropractic is more of a lifestyle, rather than merely a way to produce income. You also don’t have to yield to shaming from vicious people inside and outside of our great profession, including your own family. (Gulp!) Shaming you for doing your duty, your calling, your vocation. The same people who don’t believe in health (nor are interested in understanding) are the ones attacking those who do.

Many reading this were associates previous to discovering planet TNR. During adversity you will be exposed: you will see the truth and the consequences of being an associate. It’s simply not your best effort. I know at least 8 associates that have currently lost their positions. Like a boat tethered to a dock on a sunny, windless day, they really thought they would show their mettle when the clouds rolled in and they were mistaken. Times of adversity are the time to declare man/woman overboard. They were expendable. They have no Alpha skills (acquiring new patients, retaining new patients, having practice members say yes to clinically responsible recommendations, communication skills, patient education skills, boundary skills, DCME experience, etc). For whatever reason, they’ve chosen not to be trained in TNR. They thought it wasn’t necessary, they refused to put in the economics, the effort, and the commitment to become a Samurai. TNR is all about the training and development of the Samurai, the once-in-a-lifetime DC  If they were honest with themselves, they never thought they would be caught. They never thought it would come down to this. Who could have predicted there would be a plague? An associate in good times will be called upon to do vacation coverage and pretend the practice members are coming to see them, don’t have to worry about overhead and expenses,  and provides freedom for the head doctor; but make no mistake about it, their economics are a reflection of the value they bring as a Beta, not an Alpha.    

Most of our members aren’t aware of the behind the scenes activity of Love Has No Color 365 days a year. There are no problems with working with Kenny (it’s a brotherhood) and the HPDP, but the Below the Line local government, schools, and Tribal Council are a completely different matter. One year, they (the powers to be on the Reservation) wanted to fingerprint and photograph each one of our volunteers. They wanted to screen and register our volunteers in case any were felons or were known as a danger to kids. The Love Has No Color trip was almost canceled because I put my foot down and refused to comply. I told them, “You can fingerprint me and run me through the criminal system, but you won’t do this to our members and volunteers. They have privately raised hundreds of thousands of dollars outside of any medical or federal agency or charity. We have been coming here in the spirit of peace and helping these kids for more than 12 years. I will take Love Has No Color to another Reservation before subjecting our members and volunteers to this type of treatment.” They had to break laws that year to allow us to continue restoring the hope, health, and dignity to the kids. I’m sure Kenny and Dr. Megan took lots of heat behind the scenes. The bigger picture was worth serving. By the way, there has only been one adolescent suicide on the Reservation in the last 3-4 years. 

The same laws you are obeying today are the same laws that protected slavery, racism, denied women the right to vote, Blacks to vote, Native Americans, etc., the same capricious laws that said it was illegal for marijuana last year and okay this year as long as taxes are included. There were a few Samurai throughout history, like Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and DCs going to jail for helping people. They didn’t cave when the chips were down. If your people don’t want to come in for an adjustment, that’s their choice. If you don’t want to be there for them, that’s your choice. Are you serving the needs of your people or your own needs? If your belief in Chiropractic allows you and doesn’t limit you, you are essential like no other. If only people understood Chiropractic, the Samurai DCs would be mandated by law to adjust people for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Do you believe in a higher power or are manmade laws as far as your limited beliefs take you?  

Where did the Samurai go? 

As much as we would like to pretend that the Samurai are irrelevant today, if you are aware you will see it all around us. When adversity has struck throughout history, we have seen the emergence of the Samurai. Every time. They are in every profession, every caste of society, every era of time: those willing to protect and serve, not going along with what’s convenient, popular, or what other people not in the know are saying and doing.  

Being a Samurai today or a warrior back when I was in training has been forgotten today. It’s as outdated as Atari…or is it? Who do you think are the heroes of today? The Samurai qualities and code of honor are never obsolete. It restores sanity to an otherwise insane, fear-fueled world. They are everyday people, professional and otherwise, that are all-in whatever they do. Parents, teachers, Chiropractors, the clergy, whatever the arena you’re in, there are Samurais that are not conditional or ‘what’s in it for me’ types. Some parents with handicapped kids think the kids are a blessing from God and nurture them to their full abilities while other parents with similar circumstances hate every day and complain incessantly. Instead of being a good comrade and having only online services, a pastor down in Florida was hauled away in handcuffs and chains because he led a live worship service to over 500 people. He faces all kinds of charges, including potential terrorism charges. You want to find a church to believe in, he’s your guy. Regardless of his denomination, he’s your Samurai.   

It’s no time to surrender your sword.

It’s so subtle, so seemingly unnecessary and is not in vogue today: the art of being a Samurai. Most will moan, why bother? Seeing things through to completion no matter what vs. to only when the money stops or the shaming begins. Adversity truly does expose people in a big way. Some people you’ve previously held in high esteem have disappointed you as they caved and crumpled in their politically correct views and other people who weren’t on your radar have surprised you. Being a Samurai is seen as obsolete in the digital age, but when adversity strikes, you will once again be cast into reality (not virtual). You will realize the answer is not on the internet, it’s with courageous people who stand up to whatever forces to get the job done. 

DCME confidential


Question 1: One of my DCMEs is hassling me to wear a mask, gloves, and a surgical face shield when I care for them. What should I do?

Answer: Read the above articles and refund them their money. Replace them with a person that believes in you, Chiropractic, and health.

Question 2: I am having difficulty charging appropriately for my DCME cases. The idea of a person paying me $3,500 for Chiropractic is overwhelming. What about insurance coverage? They might get mad I’m not following their guidelines for reimbursement.

Answer: Our current members’ range for DCMEs is from $3,500 up to, and including, $20,000! If they have insurance coverage you can give them paperwork but the fee is paid to you in its entirety. Don’t do this with Medicare or you will be wearing an orange jumpsuit! Over the years I have seen people billing and splitting the rest of the fee. It gets messy and sets you up for problems down the road. Keep it clean: paid in full or split in half. Don’t do weekly or a la carte.