TNR Happenings June 15, 2020

Happs 6.15

July 18th training date to be determined

I will speak with each and every member on your coaching calls tomorrow about this and the decision will be made in the next day or so. If we can pull it off, the Sacred Relationship Experience will replace DCME. Travel restrictions are affecting our North of the border members. We all agree that too much time has lapsed between TNR trainings. We have Boot Camp coming up on August 6th to the 8th and then a September 12th training. While all of this mass hysteria has hypnotized and paralyzed the majority of society, it seems like TNR members have continued to find innovative ways to get their training. In the past, a female TNR DC who had to care for her elderly mother flew in and out on the same day for her Head-to-Head. A nursing mother did the same thing. Whenever there is adversity, there is always a silver lining or an opportunity if you have the courage not to get sucked in.


TNR principles at work

Here is an example of a new TNR member who is not a DC or ND, but is a world-class photographer. As you know, the principles of TNR serve all people who want to step out and do their own thing.  She has written a killer bio. This is a pamphlet introducing her photography service. You can just sense there is something rare or sacred about her photography. Does anyone think she is going to charge cheapie fees? As you read her pamphlet you can feel the beauty and sacredness of her photography. What a great way to introduce her services to the world. Isn’t this a once-in-a-lifetime photographer?

Siggi's Brochure 1
Siggi's Brochure 2

LHNC fundraising news

Run, run! We are in a mad dash to raise as much cash as we can! Use Kenny’s letter and let your patients know how the people on the Reservation were hit even harder than those outside of the Reservation. Place a kiosk in your waiting room so your practice members can donate while they are in your office. Get your kids involved as well as your practice members' kids. The doubt, unrest, and paranoia have never been witnessed on the Reservation like this before and this complicates things even more. Do you have any practice members who are able to muscle up and make a large donation? Please call TNR immediately if there is anything we need to do on our end to expedite things.


Show of strength on August 6th to the 8th

I was speaking with Kenny Smoker about the upcoming Boot Camp/Fun Days and he asked if the numbers would drop off significantly this year due to the Corona virus. I was caught slightly off guard and said, the people who will do the work will be there. I am asking all of our members to make the commitment to help these kids by attending this year's Boot Camp/Fun Days. This is a special year to show our strength. Participation is great and donations are great. It’s not one or the other, it’s both. Make helping these kids a priority. Members who have made the trek for years look at it as almost like a holiday or as a time of thanks and nothing gets in the way of it. We see members bringing their kids so the next generation can keep it going. For almost 16 years we have continued to honor our commitment to making their lives easier and demonstrating hope for the future.     

jungle gym

Practice tip of the week

Get rid of the hesitation of interrupting or disrupting people with your message about Chiropractic. Now, more than ever, health has been exposed as being pretty darn important. Private schools and colleges and universities have shut down. Work has been shut down. Most people are under house arrest. Sports have been shut down. Celebrities are not shining so bright. Health rules supreme, as it should be. Why wouldn’t you have a Health Awareness Seminar? If you can’t, or won’t, put the Baseline Assessment and Concentric Circles posters on your walls. When referring to the Baseline Assessment, call it Baseline testing. It zeroes in on a kid that is moving towards trouble, moving away from trouble, or is in a holding pattern. Don’t get into bad habits of skipping patient education.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Have you noticed how scared people are today? If the 1918 technology of using masks and quarantine did what it is being marketed as doing, there would be a different look on people’s faces, or at least what you can see of them. Instead, they have a look of terror. They are being deceived and mandated into home arrest and they are now paranoid with people around them. Who is out there ready to infect me and my family? Social isolation is a form of banishment and punishment from the village or society and the effects on kids will be felt for decades to come. The resultant erosion of trust makes people easier to control, more docile, obedient, and more beta.

One of the sacred tenants of being in TNR is DCs who are scared can find safety in the group (flying in formation) that gives them an environment to develop their courage. I found this testimonial from a TNR member and it captured this feeling of being scared.

"Six years into it (owning my own practice), I was not where I wanted to be. Things were not going in the right direction. I was burned out from working too many hours and seeing patients for only a few visits before they quit. Things were not going in the right direction. Then my world collapsed…I experienced an extreme personal loss. I felt like my life was spiraling out of control. I was isolated and all alone. I did not want to go to the office each day. Taking care of other people became more and more difficult. I was in a tough spot and did not know what to do. I thought about quitting altogether but that would mean giving up on my dream.

 After some soul searching, I decided that was not an option. I started to look for a way out. Fortunately, that search lead me to Dr. Kevin and TNR. I remembered I had heard him speak a few years earlier about helping doctors thrive and reach the practice of their dreams. I reached out to him and I am so glad I did. In talking to him I realized I had lost faith in people, in Chiropractic, and, more importantly, in myself. I needed someone to be in my corner. I needed a tribe to help me get back on track and focus on what was really important. I have worked with Dr. Kevin for about 6 months now and I feel like everything has changed. Is my practice better? Do I see more difficult cases? Do I take care of people for more than just a few visits? The answers to all of those questions are a resounding yes. But more importantly, working with him has helped me to be a better man, husband, and father. Being in TNR is about being the best you can be for those around you."

The ability to receive help is God-like. Most people are aware of the trouble they are in or the frustration they feel. However, there is an aversion, stubbornness, or a male-like quality that prevents most from asking for help. They choose to suffer the consequences rather than commit to the solution. They spend a lifetime trying to figure it out on their own or bouncing around from imitations and substitutes. There is a legitimate side to not asking for help and that is being let down before by trusting people who weren’t trustworthy. Like in dating, it’s certainly a risk to join with another, but you can’t get there without asking for help, or by joining. TNR has always been about not being too smug, too proud, or too smart to ask for help. It is about having someone who will hold you accountable, who will ask for your best, and who will make the training fun.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have a practice member with an undescended testicle and they have inquired if Chiropractic can help?

Answer: Make sure it’s not a bait and switch and don't say that you do a specific adjust for it, etc. There is no order of difficulty in miracles. It is so hard for the rational, analytical mind to fathom that to Innate, it just doesn’t matter. Removing interference, like high tide, allows all the boats to rise, not just some. There are no guarantees, but it is no less deserving than some ache or pain.

Question 2: I have a potential DCME that wants to pay weekly. Should I allow this?

Answer: Have them pre-pay in full or at least half. Making weekly payments just doesn’t contain the commitment necessary. You can’t want to help people more than they want to receive the help.