TNR Student Members Get "Sweet" Treat

Dr Ryan Cooper Blog

Dr. Ryan Cooper of Health for Life Chiropractic in the Detroit, Michigan area paid a special visit the TNR Club at Life University in Marietta, Georgia.



Here’s TNR student member and DC2B,
Christy Taylor’s take on her time with Dr. Ryan…


Having Dr Ryan come speak was eye-opening and it was so nice of him.  Knowing him as a fresh graduate to the mature, experienced and hugely successful doc he has become today…his journey has been so cool to follow.  I cannot stress enough how great it was for him to come share his experiences…his troubles, what he would change, what he wouldn’t trade for anything.  His heart has always been in the right place and still is.  He said he has spent a crazy amount of money on TNR, but he would never have wanted to do it any other way.  Hearing that made a huge impact. It’s a small drop in the bucket to coach compared to what you can make back and the impact you can make on your community.  He isn’t one of those guys who thinks he has “arrived” and knows it all.  That was refreshing.  He values TNR and the procedures, and he repeated several times the other night that they work…all we have to do is actually use them.

I am proud of Dr. Ryan and who he has become.  His patients are lucky.  I cannot express how special that was for our fellow TNR members to hear from a real member who was in our shoes just a few years ago.  Nothing was sugar-coated, but in a way it’s all sugar-coated…TNR is such a special thing that we all have access to and it’s sweet.  There is no need for any of us to reinvent any sort of wheel.  It’s all there.  A TNR family support system, the procedures, communication skills…it’s all there and to hear so from a young, “hip”, successful member was amazing.  Special thanks to Dr. Ryan for taking time out of his weekend away just to see us and give a million (incredible, I might add) adjustments.

Christy Blog

Christy Taylor