
David and Goliath in Chiropractic today!

Having your kids participate on sports teams can be exhilarating or a constant source of stress (like when you watch parents kiss up to the coach or when the coach shows favoritism, etc.). A lot of parents air their opinions and complaints all over the internet because of this stress. I recently heard about a…

Most DCs don’t see kids, now seniors, who’s next?

A trend with the demographics of a given practice reflect not how a doctor wants to practice, rather what insurance companies begrudgingly will pay. So much for freedom or equality in the land of the free. This business model is legal; however, if we allow insurance companies to dictate the levels of humanity then most…

So why not be great?

Have you ever been in circumstances where you had to fit in to be accepted? Did you need to dress in a certain way, to speak and act in a certain way, to order your life according to the expectations of other people, or to hang with people you only pretend to like? Maybe it…

How dare you challenge the culture of Chiropractic!

Many DCs just have it going on! They have appreciative patients who get it and love to refer people in just like themselves. Entering their offices is like going to a giant party.  Plus, these DCs have an opportunity to truly make a difference in the life of each of their patients. Though insurance coverage…

I’m here to help, not to prove or convince

Are you still thinking about joining TNR?  Maybe you watched one of our webinars, received one of our eBooks, or have had a video conference with me. At first you felt a glimpse of hope: here was a person you could have in your corner to help you turn around your office in an exponential…

Kids are the most overlooked entity in most Chiropractic offices: discover the surprising connection between kids and ultra-success!

There is an overwhelming trend in Chiropractic to move towards adult musculoskeletal pain and away from family care.  Whenever the majority in society are doing anything, it always creates a HUGE opportunity for people who are strong enough to go against the prevailing beliefs.   DCs who have the training and guts to see kids front…