
You cannot correct what you cannot see.

From a very early age, you sure didn’t like taking anybody’s advice. You like to do things your way…even if it doesn’t produce results! The truth is, most of us are like that. From practices to marriages and parenting, we always decide things for ourselves. The result? Your practice may not be reflecting your true talents…

“Arrogance? Ignorance? What’s the difference?”

  You went to school for so many years.  You were dedicated and focused, and as a result, you really know your stuff.  That, paired with your over the top tech-savvy office, software, and new fancy equipment should warrant success in every meaning of the word….right?  Your reality, however, is filled with patients that treat you…

How DCs Get Patients Beyond Pain Relief:

The door opens and nobody comes in for a full 3 seconds. Finally, a guy slowly shuffles into your office with a permanent grimace painted on his face. He is physically contorted into an S shape. He is in acute pain, can hardly move and he’s your next new patient. All he can talk about…

The Doctor, The Leader

  I’m a really good clinician. I associated for almost 3 years before going out on my own. I’ve got a good location, a nice pair of CA’s, and I graduated in the top 10% of my class…but practice growth has been real slow. People say they love my adjustments; I spend lots of time…

Why does my practice have to be so difficult?

Has something deep inside of you died? Is there a  piece of you that is always on alert and anxious? Is the fear of the unknown always there so you are never at ease or in the present moment? Do you feel like your world is falling apart and no one knows what you’re going…

That Awkward Moment…

  You’re on a mission to complete a specific home improvement over the weekend. You’ve hit the big box store with a list of the needed supplies on your smartphone. You’ve got this thing! A handsome, energetic 40ish guy is helping you with your list and he seems somewhat out of place. He has the…